Our interior and exterior painters have equipment that the typical homeowner does not own. We use paint sprayers, specialty ladders, and scaffolds. Quality canvas drop clothes are an expensive buy. These tools help our professionals to handle every job with efficiency and speed
We specialize in all size interior house painting projects. We have the knowledge and experience to get the job done right, every single time. Our professionals are aware of regulatory codes and safety rules that are currently in effect. We use high quality products on your walls, and have specialty equipment that help us complete the job more quickly.
The labor required for interior house painting projects can be extensive. When you hire Coastal Painting, you will get a high-quality paint job. Painting your interior can comprise of wall and surface preparations, sanding, sealing, priming, and caulking. Any holes or cracks in your walls will be repaired before painting. Preparations also include protecting the work area. Our painters will use canvas drop cloths, protective plastic, and masking tape to ensure paint is kept where it belongs, not on your flooring, valuables, and furnishings.